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The nursery school consists of a single cycle of learning called cycle 1, and includes five levels of classes:

  • Crèche
  • Toute Petite Section (TPS)
  • Petite Section (PS)
  • Moyenne Section (MS)
  • Grande Section (GS).

The nursery and preschool welcome children from one year old to five years old.

Nursery and preschool represent the place where every child receives the care that his age requires. Supervised by teachers, assisted by nursery assistants, children develop their intellectual and physical potential.

This time of schooling establishes the educational and pedagogical foundations on which the future learning of students for their entire schooling is based and developed. It allows the child to socialize in an environment conducive to it. It also allows the child to develop his/her abilities: to feel, act, express, imagine, explore the world, and increase his or her knowledge.

Our school is a caring school; its main mission is to make children want to go to school to learn, affirm and develop their personality. It is based on a fundamental principle: all children can learn and progress. By showing confidence in each child, the kindergarten commits them to trust in their own power to act and think, in their ability to learn and succeed in school and beyond.


The elementary school welcomes students from 6 to 11 years old on 5 levels of classes:

  • le Cours Préparatoire (CP)
  • le Cours Elémentaire 1ère année (CE1)
  • le Cours Elémentaire 2ème année (CE2)
  • le Cours Moyen 1ère année  (CM1)
  • et le Cours Moyen 2ème année (CM2).

It constitutes the beginning of compulsory schooling.

The training provided in the elementary school ensures the acquisition of the fundamental instruments of knowledge: oral and written expression, reading, calculation and problem solving; it encourages the development of intelligence, artistic sensitivity, manual, physical and sporting skills. It provides the elements of a historical, geographical, scientific and technical culture. She offers an education in visual arts and musical arts. It teaches a foreign living language: English and Slovene language. It also contributes to the understanding and autonomous and responsible use of the media, especially digital media. It ensures the acquisition and understanding of the requirement of respect for the person, its origins and its differences. It also conveys the need for respect for the rights of the child and equality between women and men. It ensures together with the family moral and civic education, to allow the exercise of citizenship, learning the values ​​and symbols of the Republic and the European Union.

The elementary school consists of 2 cycles:

  • Cycle 2 CP; CE1; CE2 is the cycle of fundamental learning.
  • Cycle 3 CM1; CM2; 6th (college) is the cycle of deepening knowledge.

The organization by cycles of teaching makes it possible to take into account the progressive learning and the needs of the students to accompany them in the acquisition of skills. The creation of a cycle associating the last two classes of the elementary school and the sixth grade promotes a better educational continuity between the school and the middle school.


Middle school consists of two cycles and includes four levels of classes:

  • the end of Cycle 3 in the 6th
  • Cycle 4 in 5th, 4th and 3rd

High school in divided in three classes and welcomes children from 15 to 18 years old. The three classes are:

  • la seconde
  • la première
  • la terminale

In High School pupils are prepared for Baccalauréat which leads to higher education studies.

In the continuity of the Elementary School, the training provided at the Middle School is based on a set of lessons that all have a role to play in the acquisition of knowledge and skills of the Common Core and in their evaluation. Artistic, cultural and sporting practices, educational activities, the discovery of trades and training also contribute.

The student who enters the Middle School discovers the different aspects: a new teaching: the CNED (National Center for Distance Learning). Students receive their lessons through this French-recognized educational center and they are accompanied by tutors to take courses in the French national education program in the school premises. It is therefore well supervised that students acquire different working methods. The priority is to ensure a relationship of trust between the College, the student and his parents to help him identify and accompany him in his schooling. The College is a place of training for the individual and the future citizen. For that, a large place is made to the education to the responsibility, as well as to the necessary respect of the people, the rules and the framework of life.