The elementary school welcomes students from 6 to 11 years old on 5 levels of classes:

  • le Cours Préparatoire (CP) – 1st grade
  • le Cours Elémentaire 1ère année (CE1) – 2nd grade
  • le Cours Elémentaire 2ème année (CE2) – 3rd grade
  • le Cours Moyen 1ère année  (CM1) – 4th grade
  • et le Cours Moyen 2ème année (CM2) – 5th grade

It constitutes the beginning of compulsory schooling.

The training provided in the elementary school ensures the acquisition of the fundamental instruments of knowledge: oral and written expression, reading, calculation and problem solving; it encourages the development of intelligence, artistic sensitivity, manual, physical and sporting skills. It provides the elements of a historical, geographical, scientific and technical culture. She offers an education in visual arts and musical arts. It teaches a foreign living language: English and Slovene language. It also contributes to the understanding and autonomous and responsible use of the media, especially digital media. It ensures the acquisition and understanding of the requirement of respect for the person, its origins and its differences. It also conveys the need for respect for the rights of the child and equality between women and men. It ensures together with the family moral and civic education, to allow the exercise of citizenship, learning the values ​​and symbols of the Republic and the European Union.

The elementary school consists of 2 cycles:

  • Cycle 2 CP; CE1; CE2 is the cycle of fundamental learning.
  • Cycle 3 CM1; CM2; 6th (college) is the cycle of deepening knowledge.

The organization by cycles of teaching makes it possible to take into account the progressive learning and the needs of the students to accompany them in the acquisition of skills. The creation of a cycle associating the last two classes of the elementary school and the sixth grade promotes a better educational continuity between the school and the middle school.